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Ghibli AS30
Demande concernant cette machine
Asking price
Numéro de référence 1077-Z01319
Heures de fonctionnement non renseigné
Catégorie principale
Machines pour le travail du métalCatégorie
AutresType de machine
Machines de nettoyage & installationsFabricant
GhibliDonnées techniques
- 0
- . V
- 0
- . Hz
- 0
- . kW
The technical data is manufacturer or operator information and is therefore not binding for us. We reserve the right to sell the goods prior to sale; our terms and conditions of business and sale apply exclusively.
About us
more than 400 of our own machines in stock over 12,000 m² of storage space, crane capacity 70 t more than 1,000 items of accessories for your workshop If you want to sell machines, production lines or your business, then contact us. You can find further offers on our website. Viewings are possible by arrangement.
We look forward to your visit. Your Markus Hirsch team
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Autres machines de Markus Hirsch GmbH